Each month, Rosedale UC invites a local artist to display their work in our church. The paintings are available for sale through the artist, and all are welcome to come and visit the church for a closer look. Our church building is open from 9:30am to 4pm, Mondays to Fridays, and on Sunday mornings from 10am to 12pm.

"Emergent Energy" by artist Anne Simmonds runs May 4 – June 30, 2024

Anne Simmonds, Minister Emerita at Rosedale United has had 3 previous shows at the Rosedale United Gallery.  A few years ago, a fellow artist looking at images of mandalas from Annes show in 2010 commented:  I think you could take these further.”  This nudge, coupled with an image of the naturally occurring current of energy via breath as it enters and leaves the body, forms the basis of these works.  In some pieces the current of energy is visible.  In others the energy itself informs certain shapes.  During the pandemic, which allowed Anne to work consistently, the work took on an energy and life of its own.  It served as a way to move through both pandemic grief, and the sudden tragic loss of her granddaughter Lilly in June of 2020.  For Anne, all of lifes emotions are present, relevant, and necessary, for the emergence of her work.  As a symbol of wholeness, the Mandala offers a container.’  The works were completed with liquid acrylics, some ink, and regular acrylic paints.  All began on raw canvas and have been mounted on 24”by 24” boards.